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Star Wars Jabba the Hutt 4 COO versions.

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Not all Jabba The Hutt’s are alike- here is an example of some Jabba coo variations From the Vintage Star Wars Kenner release of figures. Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 9.02.57 AMSome of the Jabba’s have a more yellowish paint spray over the belly, some do not.


Jabba was one of the ROTJ toys  made in Mexico, (MIM) so the US DSC04720

L to R coo 1,2,3,

Jabba was one of the ROTJ toys  made in Mexico, (MIM) so the US Kenner versions and Lili Ledy versions are very similar, shown in the middle here with the more yellowish belly.


Pix R Johnson


Star Wars Ben Cooper Halloween Costumes

bobaesbcostIt’s Halloween month !!

I thought I would share the awesomeness of those Halloween’s past- STAR WARS STYLE . c3pofront

stormysetHere is a collection from the Star Wars  Ben Cooper Vinyl Halloween costumes.  The masks themselves  have become a hot collectible of their own in recent years. Most collectors prefer the entire outfit, with the box, mask’s alone are rather desirable.   Because of the fragility of the mask, finding a great sample is getting harder. Consequently, finding a costume itself that is not torn on a seam can be difficult.

There are several scarce variations of masks and costumes. One of the rarest is the Silver Boba Fett mask resembling early concept artwork.

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For those unfortunate few whose parents got late to the store they may have settled for the simple rain poncho costume.funponcho

There are several versions of the boxes. the earliest version you could find Star wars costumes was the  generic Ben Cooper box. By 1979 Star Wars boxes filled the shelves. bencooperplaysuit


The masks themselves also have many iterations. Here is an example of Darth Vader mask variations.


Here is a great selection of mask images of star wars costumes


bobamaskakbarmask akbarmak lukemasklukefornt klaatumask gamguardmask yodamask traidermask stormymask stormymackchewymask

and some images from the plastic costumes —


Happy Halloween and happy collecting

For more information on Ben cooper check out  this wiki page.,_Inc



Star Wars first time for purchase on Video Disc CED Format

Heres is a little trivia. !


The first time Star Wars was available for Purchases was 1982. This was for all three of the  media sources of the Time VHS- BETAMAX and VIDEO DISC.  It was not cheap a copy would set you back near $100 bucks.

For those not old enough to remember you could Rent a VHS or laser disc player and a movie  and watch it at home, ahh those college parties. but I digress..

Here is the CED Viedo Disc of Star Wars from 1982.  There are several Variations of the Disc. All contain the original Theatrical release from 1977 . Got to  say great graphics and the classic Logo !

Reportedly Disney is going to bring back the original version -. I don’t mind the Special Edition version, it does help with continuity of the prequels, but hey.. don’t want to start a fight.




Star Wars Die Cast ships and vehicles the 70’s thru today


Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 10.16.44 AMMetal  tin or pewter figures were the some of the earliest action figure  play toys.  Army figures from Britians Llido, Marx and other manufactures have littered sandbox’s yards  and living room floors for over 100 years.  With the release of matchbox, and later Hot wheels, die cast  metal toys became a main stay of playthings for children, as well as collectors.




The Kenner toys of the 80’s continued that tradition with both figures. and vehicles and spaceships.

Originally Kenner released a collection of vehicles that were metal and plastic.  This line included a Tie fighter, X wing, Lansdspeeder, Millennium Falcon  Y wing and Star Destroyer. With the release of ESB  the Snowspeeder, Cloud car, and the Tie bomber were added.



The 80’s also saw the inclusion of the Micro collection which were a collection of pewter painted figures with plastic molded play sets.


In the Early 90’s Action Masters became on of the first new era toys to sit on the shelf after the vintage line of Droids and Ewoks Items.  The Action Masters set, although not real exciting, was a breath of fresh air for hungry collectors after a long drought of Merchandise on the retail shelves. . The line included a box set,  carded sets of four figures, carded individual figures and one Mail in premium.  Each figure came with a trading card.  DSC03305



In 1997 Gallob busted the world of metal star wars ships  open with the release of a line of small die cast ships. This  line originally was only 6 vehicles. The line  went thru a few pack variations, and was short lived, and not real successful.  The first release was in odd packed round bubbles.Then repacked in more traditional packages.



A second release and change of packing included 4 more ships.

Picture 16In 1999 with the release of Episode 1,  The  Phantom Menace  8 more ships were released. having the same stands as the previous ships, except black. Also released in 1999 was a collection of die cast Pod racers.

In 2004 the Titanium line was released, a test by Walmart the first year. then by  2009  having over 120 ships and repaint versions. The series has many rare ships and includes ships from the entire Star Wars Saga invcludint the EU,  expanded universe and Clone Wars series. There were a few packing designs thru the series and 4 5 packs with an exclusive silver vehicle.  Rarest in the series was a promotion of a Gold Tie fighter in a baggie that was  exclusive to Star Wars Celebration .

Celebration Gold X wing
Titanium X wing Dagobah Swamp






A  larger version ships and figures were also released thru this era. Called the Ultra Collection

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2012 saw a short revival of previously released vehicles. shown right

Picture 17




2014 saw Disney Step in to the larger version of die cast ships  with a great assortment of ships similar to the Titanium Ultra Collection  Hot Wheels also stepped with a series of Die cast vehicles.


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2015 saw new new ships in the Titanium scale, Renamed  The Black series  was similar to both the previous Titanium and Ultra series. These have fantastic detail and surely will increase in value over the years.  I look forward to seeing  what the future will bring to the world of die cast Star Wars ships !

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Disney Store Ultra series ships-

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This is just an overview of the Metal Die Cast –  Star Wars Toys. Look for a more elaborate guide on the entire Metal  die cast Star Wars toys in the future.  There are many exclusives, mail ins and rare premiums throughout the series. I will elaborate on this isn the future.

Happy collecting   If you would like to contribute to a guide on Die Cast Star Wars toys please contact me. !

Rogue One Black  Series Titanium



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Bootleg Custom Yak face and Blue Snaggletooth

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Considering the value of these two Holy Grails no doubt bootlegs are out there.  Here are a very nice version of Yak face and the Blue Snagglettoth.  They look great when you see them in a pile of figures, on a small picture online or on your phone, but beware.

The key on these two are the feet, which have NO holes in them. No doubt in the future more detailed boots or customs will come out of the woods. If your looking for reasonably priced fillers for your collection these will of and purchased  them on eBay.

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Tusken Raider Hollow cheeks… version how many are there? . Vintage Kenner Figures

I’ve been busy updating my guide to vintage Star Wars figure variations.

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 11.23.34 AMSo yes even the best editor can miss Word spell check errors.

and I have corrected some errors due to erronous Ebay postings by sellers claiming everything is a POCH or Ledy nowadays.

The new update should be ready this late fall.  here is one new addition. !

a recently found Hollow cheeks  Tusken Raider- Sandpeople.—coo var. – well new to me anyways !

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 11.22.14 AMSo now that makes four versions total of him in the world.  got any to share.?  Here is the corresponding coo marks for the Tusky’s


Happy collecting and thanks for all who have bought my guide  and are following my site or Facebook posts. !



Rare ESB 6 pack Vintage Kenner Star Wars 1980

Some of the rarest Star Wars collectibles are the multi packs. or boxed sets, normally these  were catalog items thru Sears, Penny’s Wards. Labelle’s or other regional retailers.

DSC07182Here is a great find form a few years back – It is shown with the original Figures it came with. – The Most unique being a  Rare Yoda – no coo version  and thought to be only a euro version- but found in this Kenner box set. in baggie.  Finding this yoda adds credence to the theory that  some figures thought to be only Ledy from mexico or PBP etc, were found in the US market in Kenner baggies.

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Hammerhead neck color variations

Did you know Hammerhead has an unusual neck paint color variation.  Here are 2 Kenner US Hong Kong Figures.  Here is  comparison of neck colors- notice one a darker brown.


The other variations of Hammerhead include the Off  Vein and ON vein type versions.

There is Euro PBP Variant, and an assortment of variants in the directions his eyes are looking.

He can also be found unusually faded out- greenish, not really a variant, but unique.



here are some bagged  versions as well

