
Sandpeople or Tusken Raider- Body color variations Vintage Kenner 1977


A nice example of the variation of the belt colors found on the Tusken raider, or the Sandpeople- whatever your preference is.  Light brown to near dark brown black shown .  I have more detailed information and who is exclusive to particular COO marks in my guide on Vintage Kenner variations, including the head styles. and comparative COO matches.



Star Wars the Video computer game has come a long way….

Remember a long time ago..      this was a game..     the game not great, but a video game..


Atari 400 800 Arcade game..

Then things changed.. and these were the games…

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atrari 2600 cartridge.

then these games.. on the computer…  Tie fighter and X wing. then …

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Computer games 1990’s

then a little more progress. … I do have to say anything on N 64  was really awesome easy to use, and fun to play ..  I spent hours on rogue squadron ..

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playstation 2



Star wars games have come a long way..  Cant wait to play Battlefront 4  it looks awesome…

Share your favorite games.. swbattlefront4


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Star Wars Burger King Coca-Cola Premium glasses Vintage era

One of the greatest premiums from the vintage Star wars era was the Burger King glass premiums.  They had great graphics and  were reasonably priced. – heck about the gallon go Gas back then. !

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DSC02527Sets currently are getting harder to find in nice shape. With washing the graphics begin to fade. Never Dish wash these. !

current values  in Excellent shape with shiny bright graphics: take at lest 50%  off for faded g or vitrified glass.

SW Set $40-80      each  10

ESB Set  $35-50   each 5 to 10

ROTJ Set $25 30   each  4 to  6

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Star Wars Burger King Coca-Cola Premium glasses Vintage era

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Sets currently are getting harder to find in nice shape. With washing the graphics begin to fade. Never Dish wash these. !

current values  in Excellent shape with shiny bright graphics: take at lest 50%  off for faded g or vitrified glass.

SW Set $40-80      each  10

ESB Set  $35-50   each 5 to 10

ROTJ Set $25 30   each  4 to  6


Vintage Burger King Coca Cola Glasses promotion

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Star Wars Jabba the Hutt 4 COO versions.

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Not all Jabba The Hutt’s are alike- here is an example of some Jabba coo variations From the Vintage Star Wars Kenner release of figures. Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 9.02.57 AMSome of the Jabba’s have a more yellowish paint spray over the belly, some do not.


Jabba was one of the ROTJ toys  made in Mexico, (MIM) so the US DSC04720

L to R coo 1,2,3,

Jabba was one of the ROTJ toys  made in Mexico, (MIM) so the US Kenner versions and Lili Ledy versions are very similar, shown in the middle here with the more yellowish belly.


Pix R Johnson


Star Wars Ben Cooper Halloween Costumes

bobaesbcostIt’s Halloween month !!

I thought I would share the awesomeness of those Halloween’s past- STAR WARS STYLE . c3pofront

stormysetHere is a collection from the Star Wars  Ben Cooper Vinyl Halloween costumes.  The masks themselves  have become a hot collectible of their own in recent years. Most collectors prefer the entire outfit, with the box, mask’s alone are rather desirable.   Because of the fragility of the mask, finding a great sample is getting harder. Consequently, finding a costume itself that is not torn on a seam can be difficult.

There are several scarce variations of masks and costumes. One of the rarest is the Silver Boba Fett mask resembling early concept artwork.

bobamask bobafront2bobafront1

For those unfortunate few whose parents got late to the store they may have settled for the simple rain poncho costume.funponcho

There are several versions of the boxes. the earliest version you could find Star wars costumes was the  generic Ben Cooper box. By 1979 Star Wars boxes filled the shelves. bencooperplaysuit


The masks themselves also have many iterations. Here is an example of Darth Vader mask variations.


Here is a great selection of mask images of star wars costumes


bobamaskakbarmask akbarmak lukemasklukefornt klaatumask gamguardmask yodamask traidermask stormymask stormymackchewymask

and some images from the plastic costumes —


Happy Halloween and happy collecting

For more information on Ben cooper check out  this wiki page.




Star Wars first time for purchase on Video Disc CED Format

Heres is a little trivia. !


The first time Star Wars was available for Purchases was 1982. This was for all three of the  media sources of the Time VHS- BETAMAX and VIDEO DISC.  It was not cheap a copy would set you back near $100 bucks.

For those not old enough to remember you could Rent a VHS or laser disc player and a movie  and watch it at home, ahh those college parties. but I digress..

Here is the CED Viedo Disc of Star Wars from 1982.  There are several Variations of the Disc. All contain the original Theatrical release from 1977 . Got to  say great graphics and the classic Logo !

Reportedly Disney is going to bring back the original version -. I don’t mind the Special Edition version, it does help with continuity of the prequels, but hey.. don’t want to start a fight.
