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Kenner Star Wars Death Squad Commander – Star Destroyer Commander variations

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 1.13.17 PMThe Vintage Kenner 1977 Star Destroyer Commander/ Death Squad Commander. has many variations- here are a few Things to look for are  eyes colors, his insignia, color and type of grey plastic, head color,  mold of helmet, gloss or matte finish to boots and gloves,  as well the coo markings.

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Hong Kong Top
Taiwan Bottom

Luke Skywalker Saber variations.

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1995 POTF Classic Luke
1995 POTF Classic Luke

I have been going thru Luke Sabers , updating,  organizing and getting sorted to figures.

        Here some of the versions out there.

Lettered sabers,  Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and a reproduction bottom.

A collection of Luke Sabers- Bottom Reproduction
A collection of Luke Sabers- Bottom Reproduction
Hong Kong Top Taiwan Bottom
Hong Kong Top
Taiwan Bottom
Luke Double Telescoping
Luke Double Telescoping

Get a free copy of Vintage Kenner Star Wars figure guide. with purchases

swfigvars116coverGreetings star wars fans and collectors

I am offering a chance to get a free copy of my  Vintage Kenner Star  Wars Action Figure Guide . e- book with purchases of $80 or more from my ebay store.
link to my ebay store:

Take a look at our new inventory and see if you can find some great deals.

April 2016 Bonus promotion – Get a free download copy with all future updates, of my Vintage Star wars action figure guide.

Valid with purchases totaling $80 or more from my ebay store. Auction or fixed price .

Valid April 1-30 2016
you will receive a coupon code for a free download with your order May the force be with you
link to website and my e book guide :

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Vintage Star Wars 12 back Princess Leia Vs reproduction repro fake cardback

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I have to say it is really frustrating to see people being taken when I go hunting on eBay  for vintage Star Wars toys.  A flurry of  vintage carded  figure 12  backs have “suddenly materliazed” in the market place over the past year.- I  am not sure what is worse seeing people being duped by the waning, everything is a POCH scams  by melting a figures backside and calling it POCH or this.  Many items are are not what they appear to be.

Here are some comparison pictures of an original Kenner Princess :ii a12b compared to a reproduction cardback.  The original in all pictures is right or on top

Some key points to identify a reproduction or fake card back and bubble< this is list goes beyond just this figure but applies to  many repros of 12k cards currently out there.

  • PRICE in white box  text wrong.
  • The Text for the stock Number of white price box wrong.
  • The Ages 4 and up text wrong.
  • Blue color wrong.
  • Footer incorrect size
  • bubble incorrect size.  although other repro bubbles closer to original shape have surfaced.
  • back of card back incorrect  texture. brought matte  and text slightly fuzzy.
  • POP color wrong.
  • The repro card may look good on display, but do not get taken, there are unaware or more likely  intentionally unscrupulous sellers attempting to pass these off as original . They intentionally place a old  price sticker over the PRICE text, slightly bend up the card, in an attempt to emulate a  more vintage look.

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Original card back aways right or TOP.

Follow me  for future and more look thru  back posts to other reproduction VS original cardback comparisons.

These are being  added to my Vintage Star wars figure guide in upcoming editions.



Vintage Kenner Luke Stormtrooper orignal vs repro helmet comparison

Luke Stormtrooper 

The Vintage  POTF and Tri-logo 1984 Luke Stormtrooper is a tough figure to pick up  clean and complete with the original helmet.  The gun is also a tough piece to find and is often not identified correctly.

DSC05897Reproduction helmets are available for this figure and often are not identified correctly here are examples of an original compared to reproduction helmet.


The original is always right on the tour panels below.  On first inspection and form from front a neat perfect match.  The reproduction  forth backside has a distinct circle  with a triangle above it. DSC06145DSC06143

From the top  the original has a faint mold EP mark dead center. the repro does not.


Heres the repro on a figure compared to s custom made helmet form a vintage stormy head. It was cut off  and drilled out,- Its a great looking fit to a custom Luke Stormy. !


Lastly  the original gun, note roundish front and a smooth barrel –  no dents. DSC05897


Han Solo Vintage Kenner 1977 small head hair colors

han solo small heads

Han Solo with a  small head has been known  to have two head  variations  for a long while. But did you know he found with two different COO marks.  These guys  also have distinctly different color hair, a dark brown and  more reddish brown.

Han Solo Small heads  comparison of dark brown and brown hair  versions. - left 1C  right 2C
Han Solo Small heads comparison of dark brown and brown hair versions. – left 1C right 2C
Han Solo COO markings
Han Solo COO markings

Not only that he also can be found with both solid legs, as well as white legs (check the foot pegs.

All the vars. of Han are shown in the figure guide.




Save $5 on the new updated version – Ready for download

swfigvars116coverNew Edition of  Vintage Kenner Star Wars Figure variations of North America  now available for download

 added over  90 pages !

Save $5 with this coupon code.


The new update includes numerous  revisions to figures, and figure images. .

– Detailed weapon variant info pages.

– added vehicles and playsets.

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-more glossary terms and images. !

go to shop page on menu  to buy new edition as always, when a new update comes out you will receive a code for a free copy.

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