Sellers beware .
I’m now so through with ebay. . No more international sales no returns ..
I have been an ebay user from the early days, in fact I was a great believer. No more.
Here me out.
I thought the old days the were bad. I called the 90’s era the wild west. ebay was new ,and having to deal with fraud as ebay got sea legs. – But today they have virtually taken all sellers rights away and given buyers carte blanche to rip off sellers. They have become an incompetent service in facilitating international transactions Here is why you should immediately no longer accept returns- and international transactions on ebay .
The fact they do not tell buyers which shipping service will make transaction compliant with their own delivery confirmation policies. Only about 16 countries have first class international tracking thruUSPS .
,Buyers will open Item not received cases and you will loose if you do not have proof of tracking. Priority is country by country as tracking compliant. Prepare to lose money on Item not received cases.
The inability to make the first class label system function – Jan 21 2018 no longer has first class labels in system using USPS. This was an affordable way to ship small items. Now it no longer is functioning on ebay. Its not worth the cost to ship international as the cost likely will far exceed value
If you are a user you will realize they have buyer protection programs in place, sellers are required to pay for both shipping and return shipping. But you likely cannot make a return label to countries outside the USA or whatever country you are in. I am in the USA.
Buyers are aware of the way to get their item free here is ow it works- the New international ebay shipping return fraud scam sweeping ebay ..
This is the new fraud scam and sellers are getting burned, After reading other posts , blogs and reports this is an epidemic. If you sell internationally on ebay its the wild west again. ebay has no structured policy in place for a return or case requiring a return.
Here is how you rip off sellers from another country . Buy something expensive- ideally heavy as well, claim it does not work-item not as described- wrong color, shipped upside down – what ever– just make up an excuse that requires the seller to pay for a return – You do not need to offer proof. even if it works that’s fine, doe not matter just open the item not as described or defective- case- – open a case then stall – just stall – when seller opens a return your in luck since sellers cannot create a label and its impossible to actually get anything done out of country to get shipping paid in advance- you as the buyer win. you can say it will cost maybe 2 times or three times the actual cost to ship back to the seller, it doesn’t matter you as the buyer do not have to offer any proof of shipping service or tracking in advance. Some sellers might just pay you but don’t worry you will probably also get this money meant for the return as well and not have to send the item back.
escalate the case let ebay step in and screw over the seller , They don’t care about seller they are your friend in getting your item for free.
When case is escalated you fire the 5 day trigger. – so more stalling.
do not work with seller, do not offer any proof of shipping do not return item do not offer any proof of cost to ship back just do not ship back, you are not required to .
ebay requires sellers to pay for shipping on returns – and they are required to send the money to ship back first. yeah thats right. if you can’t create a return label you have to send em the money or try to create postage from another country – and good luck with that.
From the US we cannot create return labels to other countries. and its impossible to generate any return shipping unless you send the money to buyer first. There is no process or form for returns.
So Rip off US sellers.- it’s easy. just wait for ebay to step in and in 5 days you get the item and your money back . ebay won’t bother to help the seller do anything, just tell you you are responsible as the seller to pay for return shipping..
I should point out that no where in the seller agreement does it say you are required to send buyer funds first for shipping.
No proof of shipping service or cost is needed. There is no structured format or ebay format to do a return in place. ebay frankly does not care about you as a seller. Many countries do not even have UPS service, and to get a return label thru for example can cost up to 4 times what you may have spent.
So stall as a seller you cannot appeal the case they just give you the run around. – -so get ready start ripping off buyers. Ebay allows it, and its so easy. Sellers don’t bother with the appeal they barely speak English and don’t give a crap what you say. Sellers bend over.. get ready to get screwed.
please share– ebay needs to fix this but likely they will not.