This page includes terms related to collecting vintage era Star Wars Kenner action figures, toys and other Vintage Star Wars Collectibles.
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NOTE: THIS Page is continually UNDER EDIT AND REVISION FOR the FINAL Vintage Kenner Action Figure GUIDE
The Edition included within the book is much more extensive,
12 Back: The original 1977 Star Wars Figures were released in a Star Wars Card, called a 12 back. There are several Variations of this Card. The figures were made in Hong Kong, and a few, although pretty hard to find, were from Taiwan Notably Luke.
20 Back: The second wave of Star Wars Figures were 20/21 back-released the Card back referred to as a 20 or 21 bk.
AFA: A grading Standard with certification of condition and authenticity.
Baggie: Many of the Kenner figures were issues in baggies, as premiums, special offers in multipacks, as well as in house production use. There are numerous bag types and styles. There are hard crisp cello bags, and soft poly bags. There are taped bags, and heat-sealed bags, there are bags with just black “MADE IN HONG KONG”, or “MADE IN CHINA” or”MADE IN TAIWAN ” as well others with the Kenner Logo, and there are also unmarked bags. Its likely every figure in the line of 92 could be found in a baggie, although the later, POTF Droids, and Ewoks would be extremely rare. The exception is Amanaman, Barada, and EV-9D9, which came in the exclusive Penny’s Jabba’s Torture playset.
Baggie collecting has become a sub hobby for collectors. Be cautious bags can be faked, and taped bags can be re-taped. Kenner released other lines in similar type bags, notably the DC comics Superpowers line. Swapping a bag from a Baggie Kalibak, which could be found in bulk for pennies per figure in the late 80’s, is common. An excellent and accurate source for more Baggie info is found online:
Bantha Tracks: The Official Star Wars Fan club newsletter. Published Quarterly form 1978 thru 1987. It was later rebranded as the Star Wars Insider. There were 35 published editions. Many exclusive items could be purchases thru the newsletter including movie posters, clothing, and other misc. collectibles.
Bootlegs: An unlicensed product. Bootleg figures normally are less detailed and at times have no resemblance to actual Kenner line figures. Most Bootleg figures come from all over the world. Many can be found from Poland, Hungary, Mexico and South America. New figures produced to emulate the original or nearly exact as Kenner figures are considered reproductions.
Bubble: The clear plastic figure protective case on a carded action figure. There are numerous styles of bubbles. The one show is unique for a Jawa , but not the Vinyl Cape Jawa. Again it is important to verify the bubble on a card, many reproduction bubble have made it into the market.
Carded: A figure on a carded backer. Within the Star Wars line there are five different Fronts to the Cards, excluding the various international branded versions. –
The Star Wars card, Empire Strikes Back card, Return of the Jedi card, Power of the Force card. as well as a Trilogo additionally there are both the Ewoks and Droids animated series cards. There are numerous other foreign card back version specific to country of origin and distribution.
C.P.G : Cereal Products Group – a division of Kenner Products. whose parent company in the 70’s was General Mills. Boba Fett was the only figure with the C.P.G. marking on the leg. Mainly because it was in manufacture between licensing of General Mills, and the Purchase of Star Wars toys Rights by Lucasfilm and George Lucas from 20th Century Fox.
Canadian Shrink wrapped: Made in Canada- and very Rare the Canadian Shrink wrapped figures were a limited release, included: Han Solo, Ugnaught, Dengar, Lobot, Luke Hoth, At-At Commander – and R2-D2 (with periscope) The following can be found this way. ESB black card with no picture and blank back. Released by Sears in Canada
Cello bag: See Baggies.
Cardbacks: The term applies to the backing of the carded action figures. There are numerous versions and some versions of card backs, and the particular card back can be a determinate of more or less value to a figure. Below are the general card back found on the US Kenner Market. – There are sub versions of these cards, which contain different offers etc. This has been detailed well in the John Kellerman Vintage Action figure guide.
Cello bag: See Baggies.
CLIPPER TOYS: Kenner license released Netherlands. Kenner US card figures with back sticker on card. Star wars 12 backs have Clipper logo on the front. Figures similar to US release.

Adam Secor Collection

Adam Secor Collection
COO: Country of Origin, where the figure was For NO COO figures, we do not know if they were manufactured there or elsewhere.
CROMALIN: Printing term for a preproduction printing proof. Most cromalins have registration marks, and color spectrum for color registration on the paper.
CUSTOMS: Modifications to figures This can include more paint- re sculpting portions or alterations by other means and at some times to deceive. Make sure any variations are not simply customized figures. Some unique examples of customs below:
DT saber- Double Telescoping Saber. Found on the Luke Skywalker, Obi wan and Darth Vader. The DT saber has a telescoping smaller shaft which extends out from the larger shaft. BEWARE many reproductions or fakes exist and have become prevalent online in auctions. The original saber is very fragile with age the plastic has hardened and the plastic tends to also fade. Originals have several different hilt letter marks found by me : Y ,V,, AA, B, D, L, and H, Z . IT is assumed letters A to Z and AA to WW exist. There are also early production dotted on the hilt sabers and a early translucent preproduction saber, these are much rarer.
Original Figures with saber above

Original DT double Telescoping Dart Vader saber below.
Z DT darth saber.
Reproduction DT Double Telescoping Darth saber- note REV on hilt-

Reproduction Revalveit Sabers on Obi wan

Discoloration see also Fading Staining Mottling : Discoloration on figures can come in many forms . Fading- from age particularly the sun. Staining from being close to another figure, or element which leached into the plastic.
Droids: Kenner Line of Figures to promote the short-lived cartoon series notable in the series are the C-3PO and R2D2 animated versions. The line was released in 1985.
Drop Test: A way of determining the authenticity of weapons or acc. by dropping them on a surface and comparing the sound it makes when hitting a surface. Originals will make a different sound than a repro weapon when dropped on a similar surface. This works with some, but not all repro parts. The best method to compare weapons and to determine authenticity is close visual inspection
EP: Early production : This term can relate to both figures and the accessories.
EPM: Ejection Pin Mark or also referred o as the Ejection point a point on a molded piece of plastic where the molded items attached to a ” “tree” of other parts.
Early Bird Kit. One of the first Star Wars Items to hit the Market in the Star Wars franchise This mail in kit was the first release of Star Wars figures on the market. The set of 4 figures contains the Sought after Luke with DT or Double Telescoping Saber. There are 3 variations of the Early Bird Kit. The 3rd does not have a Telescoping Luke figure. There are many Baggie variations of the Figures. Here is what is known do far: DT Luke baggies found: sw-a, sw-b, sw-c Chewbacca (Most have green crossbow) sw-a no text, sw-a, sw-b, sw-d
Leia sw-a, sw-b, sw-c, sw-d R2 (Most in the EB have the dark blue eye) sw-a, sw-b, sw-d
Ewoks: Line of figures released to support the short lives cartoon comic series.
Factory Error: An Error in the manufacturing process. Incorrect figure , incorrect or missing accessory, wrong paint , missing paint area, wrong card back or incorrect package back. Some collectors seek out error packages, but overall errors are really not likely to increase valuation. Notable exceptions likely could, but have to be considered on a case by case basis.
Faded: Paint or plastic or accessories which have discolored. Notably paint color can become white from the original Fleshy as the paint oxidizes. Lies of figures can also fade, as well acc can also discover with age.
First Shot: or “Test shots” (see also EP, prototypes) Before figures were put into mass production, and after the prototypes were sculpted, test figures were made; many have no stamp markings, or possibly partial stamp markings, on the legs or body. These were were sent around for approval from Manufacturer. to Kenner, or to Lucasfilm from Kenner for approval. Likely molded in the final plastic and painted to have the nearest final production look like the closest production run..
Some maybe with one stamp excluding the © line or the Country . Many examples have been found with no markings, missed paint or different paint colors. It could be argued there could be numerous First shot vars. I have chosen to intentionally disregard the First Shots, with the exception of some very popular rarities such as the rocket firing Boba Fett. Valuing them could be difficult. Based on the popularity and rarity of the base figure by a factor of 80 to100 seems probable. So, for Example a Bespin Guard could be worth 10x to 80x the base common figure, making the value near $800.
Flashing: Excess plastic after the molding process, normally thin layers where the mold did not seal properly.

Float Test.: A method to determine if original weapons and accessories were authentic. Unfortunately, it is not the most reliable way to assess authenticity. At one time it was generally thought all the repro weapons would sink, this is not correct, some can float. Some original weapons also float or do not float. A more accurate version is the Drop test using sound. The best way to determine authenticity is a visual inspection and comparisons to reproduction weapons.I have included numerous examples within the guide of visual comparisons. There are also several resources online to compare weapons and to determine authenticity.
Footer: The cardboard stock below the figure in the Bubble. Most are the same color as the area behind the card. and vary in size. Some figures had a inverted V shape footer. There is an extremely rare Early Footer thought to be on only salesman samples and made of white . The Early footers were Numbered as per the Stock # of the figure.
Darth Vader SW card Footer
By the Mid ESB 35 bk era the Footers were abandon.
Frosting: When packaged some figures can develop a whitish almost talc appearance in areas. Common on Darth Vader, It will wipe off and is a mold which will not harm figure.
“GDANSK” The Polish Bootleg figures they have ATAT Driver and Tie Pilot arms on the figures. These Are sometimes referred to as Gdansk Figures, there are several generations of figures, with subtle variations between them . Here are some Examples of the Gdansk 1st and 2nd generation figures. For more on Polish Bootleg figures got here:
G.M.F.G.I: General Mills Fun Group Incorporated. The toy division of General Mills, and the parent company of Kenner.
Glasslite: Star wars licensed Kenner released figures from Brazil. Notable is the Glasslite Vlix, from the Droids line. Releases in 1988. One of the most valuable figures in the entire Star Wars universe. Other Glasslite included: Droids figures C3PO, R2-D2, Kez Iban, Jord Dusat, Kea Moll, Thall Joben,
Most Glasslite have distinct differences: shinier ,harder plastic, with pale white faces. Leia and Han came with a Jawa blaster, Leia’s was silver, Chewy had a 4-lom rifle.
Graded: A method of assessing the value and condition of a figure .
Harbert: Kenner Licensed products in Italy. Very Rare Similar to US cards with Harbert Logo. Released were the first 20 figures

Hungarian Bootlegs: 10 figures were produced in this line
Hard Torso: Figures made with harder plastic and more detailed molding. They almost look like they are painted. Some hard torso figures : Stormtrooper, Hoth rebel soldier, Snowtrooper and R2D2 sensorscope,
Hybrid: A term associated with bootleg figures meaning the figure contains a mix match of parts, from original figures, and other bootleg figures. Many Hybrid figures have come out of Mexico, in the 80’s using original parts from the Lili Ledy factory combined with other molded bootleg parts. It can also refer to the action figure card itself. AN example being a unusual sticker back over the printed back. An example I have found: a Darth Vader which had a ROTJ sticker over a Ledy back.
Injection molding: Process of manufacture for figure parts.
Injection Point: Area where the spru or mold tree inserts into the figure or part. On most figure the injection point is below the figure in the crotch area.
Insert: Promotional product included in a package.
Irwin Toys: Kenner Canadian licensed distributor of Star Wars toys and figures. Canadian Star Wars toys are unique in the bilingual packaging of both English and French. For Example one side of box may have english where the other may be in French. For more on the Canadian Star Wars universe check out:

Kenner /Canada: Released on a multitude of Cards with English and French text. See also Irwin Toys
Kenner Catalog. Kenner Product toy insert catalogs and were included with vehicles, boxed figures, and playsets. The Earliest, with the Star Wars Logo only is the rarest.
The Catalogs were issued through out the 1978 to 1985 era. Catalogs Included in Kenner toys, puzzles, and boxed mail away figures.
Kenner Product Merchandiser Retailer Catalogs.: For Wholesaler Purchasers- These Product Catalogs were sent to Retailers i.e. Target, Shopko Toys R Us. Etc.. and were Also available at the large Toy shows, and Merchandiser Marts. The Values can vary, earlier catalogs are more desirable than the later years.
Last 17: A term which refers the to last 17 figures in the Kenner line. These were the POTF figures. In the U.S. some of these figures are the hardest to find.
Ledy/Kenner: The following Figures were made in Mexico and released on US Kenner cards, They share similar markings as the Ledy variants, although there may be slight variations. For the terms of this document they are referred as Ledy/Kenner. The list includes the following found on ROTJ cards.
Gamorrean Guard, Biker Scout, Nein Nunb, Chief Chirpa, Logray, Squidhead, Lando Skiff Guard, Ree Yees, Darth Vader, Yoda, Paploo ,and Lumat. Also made in Mexico for Kenner US was the Rancor Monster and Y wing.
Lettered Saber: In Early Luke, Darth and Obi Wan some sabers had letters, This include the DT or double telescoping saber. They are lettered on the hilt, and have been found from A to Z to and AA to WW.
Its worth noting Letters can also be found on the Lili Ledy Darth Vader Saber.
Lili Ledy: Licensed manufacturer of Star Wars Products in Mexico and parts of South America many are no coo figures, although some have HONG KONG marks, some, but not all figures are distinct molding variations. The Lili Ledy Figure line included 50 plus figures.

The first Ledy figures were released in 1982 in very limited numbers on “Imperio Contraataca” cards. 10 figures were released on this card Chewbacca, C-3PO, Darth Vader, Han Hoth, Leia Bespin, Luke Bespin, R2-D2, Rebel Soldier, Snowtrooper and Yoda. Han Hoth, Rebel Soldier and Snowtrooper were never released.
8D8, Admiral Ackbar, Artoo Detoo, AT-ST Driver, Bib Fortuna, Biker Scout, B-Wing Pilot , Boba Fett, Cloud Car Pilot, C3PO, (See Threepio), C-3PO Removable limbs, Chewbacca, Chief Chirpa, Darth Vader, Emperador (Emperor), Emperor´s Royal Guard, Gamorrean Guard, General Madine, Han Solo Bespin, Han Solo Endor, Imperial Commander, Imperial TIE Fighter pilot, Jawa, Klaatu, Klaatu Skiff Guard, Lando Calrissian, Lando Calrissian-Skiff Guard, Logray Luke Skywalker Jedi, Luke Skywalker Bespin, Lumat, Nien Numb, Nikto, Princess Leia, Princesa Leia-Boushh, Princess Leia Endor, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Star Destroyer Commander, Paploo, Prune Face, Rebel Commander, Rancor Keeper, Ree-Yees, Squid Head, Stormtrooper, Teebo, Weequay, Wicket W. Warrick, Yoda, Zuckuss
With the release of ROTJ the number of figures increased. There are 2 card text versions known as the “Retorno” and “Regreso” cards. – The latter being more common, which has several variations of cardbacks.
Mail in Box-“mailer” or mailer: box” Normally a white box, with a kenner baggie figure- and normally included a Kenner Catalog. Other items such as the Display stand also same in a mailer box. Some items from catalog sales such as the JC Penny and sears catalogs, could have also common a generic white box.
Meccano: Distributor of Kenner Products in France. There are several distinct Meccano variants. Some Meccano Cards are large and rectangular. Early issues of Star Wars figures on Meccano cards are rare and highly sought after.

Merchandiser Display: Store Displays. for product line. They are very rare.
Mexican S/A: Referring to Mexican Bootleg Figures. Mexico /South America. Although Semi Articlulated has also been thrown around. The former seems more logical.
MIM: Made in Mexico. There are several ROTJ figures that were made in Mexico by Lili Ledy: commonly referred to as Ledy /Kenner or MIM . The figures include : Gamorrean Guard, Biker Scout, Nein Nunb, Chief Chirpa, Logray, Squidhead, Lando Skiff Guard, Ree Yees, Darth Vader, Yoda, Paploo, and Lumat. Also on a side note: made in Mexico for Kenner U.S. included the Rancor Monster and Y wing, as well as several small vehicles. An interesting fact about the MIM figures is many, but not all may have a small pin hole on the back of the card behind the bubble. The theory is that it was for the figures to outgas the odor of the figures after sealed in the bubble.
Mispack- See Factory error
MIP: Mint in Package
MISB: Mint in sealed box
MISP: Mint in sealed package
MOC: Mint on card.
Model Trem: Bootleg Lead and resin figures from Brazil : the Model Trem figures are very rare. There were 34 figures in the line , Including 2-1B, Bespin Guard, Bib Fortuna, Biker Scout, Bossk, Chewbacca, Cloud car pilot, C3P0, Darth Vader, Death Squad commander, Emperor, Gammorean Guard, Han Solo , Han solo Hoth, Klaatu, Lando Carlrissian , Leia Boushh, Lobot, Luke Skywalker (farm boy), Luke Hoth, luke Jedi, Luke X-wing, IG88, Obi Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Rebel Commander, ReeYees, Snaggletooth, Snowtrooper, Stormtrooper, Tie pilot, Tusken raider, Wicket, Yoda. For more info on Model Trem’s go to :

Image : Adam Secor collection
Mottled limbs faded sun damaged or aged stained
Multipacks: Figures packaged in boxed sets There were many Multi packs throughout the Kenner figure run. Not only in the U.S., but all over the world. Penny’s and Sears offered figures in sets through their catalogs. These were shipped in White or Brown boxes many with no graphics, the Figures were in Kenner Baggies. Other Sets were carded or Boxed with Kenner art work.
NO COO : No country of origin marking on the figure.
ONE SHEET: A term used when referring to movie posters. A one sheet is a poster which is 27×41″ inches. Later posters from 1988 and later would be 27×40″ inches. Posters were distributed by NSS either rolled or folded. Other sizes of posters include half sheets, two sheets, three sheets, and inserts. There are numerous reproductions of movie posters online, many being sold as originals. Like with any purchase know your sellers reputation and be knowledgable of the things to look for when spending large amounts of money on any good deal which is being sold as authentic.
PALITOY: Licensed Distributor of Kenner Star Wars Products within the U.K. Notable in the Palitoy
line is the unique very pale blue Boba Fett.
PARKER BROS. A division of Kenner after purchase in the 80’s and held some distribution rights to Kenner products in Europe. In the US Parker Brothers held distribution rights as a division of Kenner for The late 80’s Video Games.
PBP Stormtrooper blaster. Unique to PBP and Lili Ledy Identification points circled. Note raised bar -slot under cartridge and front of gun Blue and black versions exist.
PBP Liscenced distributor of Kenner products in Spain. Many figures in the PBP line were from
Lili Ledy. Many PBP figures have unique paint and mold characteristics, figures may have no COO and many have a scared COO. some are unique to PBP, others were released on PBP trilogo cards. The actual words that make up PBP are Poch, Borras and Palouzie. Many PBP figures have unique paint and mold characteristics. See also POCH.
Poly Bag See Baggie’s
Poch: Spanish Licensed Distributor and manufacturer of Star Wars Products. Many POCH figures have unique paint and mold characteristics. Notable to these are figures with offset sides, mold scars on the backs of figures, inconsistent paint application, and very distinct mold injection point spots. Some figures are exclusive to POCH, while others were released on Tr ilogo /PBP cards. POCH later consolidated company and name to PBP.
POP: Proof of Purchase. On Star Wars toys the blue white dot on the back. On many figures this was cut off to be redeemed for a mail in premium.

Popy: Distributor of Kenner products in Japan. Japan released toys for the ESB era Figures were in boxes, The figures themselves were in Kenner cello baggies. Pope boxes are hight sought after, the baggies for the figures are similar to baggies form the US market.
POTF: Power of The Force : Series of figures released in late 1984 -1985, with a coin, The line is highly sought after as it saw limited distribution in the U.S., as interest was waning in Star Wars Toys. Some refer to the line as the ” last17. Do not confuse with the the Power of the Force 1995 line, which were a new series of Star Wars Figures on Orange Cards, This series is referred to as ” POTF2″ in the collector verse.
POTF COINS: With the Power of the Force collection of figures, the card included a coin in the blister on the card. Other coins where available as mail in promotions, some are very rare. Also issued in 1985 was a promotional collection of all the coins in a booklet, this is very rare.
Proof: Or Proof card printing test card. Proofs may have registration marks along edges or be in a variety of colors.
Prototype: Pre-Production figures- sculpted normally in one color of plastic. Painted or unpainted versions exist.
Raised Bar A bar on the figure raised , to alter the original coo. China raised bar luke most common. Other figures with a raised bar include Luke “Farmboy” Chief Chirpa, Logray, some No coo raised bars also exist.
Recard: A figure sealed back on an original cardback. or repro cardback.
Reproduction or “ Repro”: Items made to look like original item. Weapons are a very common repro item in Star Wars Figure Collecting. There are also reproduction capes, Bubbles, and even card backs. Reproduction are becoming so close to original and many have become virtually indistinguishable from the original item. An excellent resource for identifying weapons and reproduction weapons is the Imperial Gunnery weapons index. Some reproduction cards are marked as such, others found are not.
Here are some tips to identify a reproduction cardback.
- The finish of the card. does it look reprinted. ? color off, finish to matte ?
- Some cards actually say reproduction reprint in the POP
- The Bubble- is is correct when compared to an original ? Look at the size and how it was attached. Does is have the waffle pattern on the area where the bubble attached to the card. Does it look like it has been taped on?
- does the bubble appear to clean for the card? Bubbles yellow with age.
- Look at the Hanger, some repro card backs have no hanger cut, or the hanger in the incorrect location.
- The word ” PRICE” in the white Square- is it the correct font- many repro cards have a different font.
- Incorrect font spacing on” AGES 4 and UP”
- The footer is white on the bottom, instead of a grayish, or is off color, or size form original.
Repro bubble and card with white footer bottom

Reproduction card images
Scar: a mold marking resembling a scar or a raised area from the mold on the figure normally present to hide the COO. There is much inconsistency in the use of this term when describing figures. A Scar to the body, an indent- or a scar to the mold, which leaves a raised area on the body.
Semi Articulated: or S/A
Sonic weld: The process which attached figure parts together non-sonic welde
d figures are just assembled together -a pile of loose parts, and have a desirability to some collectors.
Staining: or leaching: Staining of the plastic due te being close to another element which has leached into the plastic. In this example likely a Dagobah Yoda Backpack stored to close to Luke’s arm.
Star Tours: Walt Disney got in to the Star Wars Franchise thru products exclusive to the Star Tours ride at the theme parks. First released in 1986, and available thru 1990 were a series of PVC figures. They all had fixed joints.
Takara: Distributor and manufacturer of Star wars Toys in Japan. Takara/ Kenner figures from the 1977 era have a sticker over label on Kenner cards. Notably unique are three figures are the Japan on the leg The line included Darth Vader, Stormtrooper and C-3PO, which has the wide pin neck.
Takara also produced a sought after 7” figure collection and a missile rocket firing R2 D2 in a box which is more common.
Test Shot: Another versions of a prtoyotype figure, normally unpainted. and used to test mold and assembly.
Toltoys: Kenner licensed distributor in Australia and New Zealand. Toltoys produced numerous figures playsets ,vehicles and misc, similar to US with several exceptions . Notable is a rare JAWA with a different cape than the VC Jawa. It is possible a Luke with orange hair, and a R5D4 with an extra red bar on the STICKER, also also linked to Toltoys, as many have come out of Australia. THIS HAS NOT Been confirmed

Top Toys: Star Wars figures from Argentina. Figures have no COO and molding is very poor on the figures. The figures have no holes in feet. Included in the Top Toys line of figures include : Chewbacca, Stormtrooper, Luke Jedi, Yoda, Chief Chirpa, Darth Vader, and Logray.
Transparent: You can see thru more light can come thru.
Transformant: See transformation
Transformation: A figure which has under gone some changing over time from fading , staining, discoloring or mottling. Good examples yellowed Stormtroopers or Ptincess Leia white Gown, Green leg Chewbacca, faded gold on Leia Bespin Neck.
Tri-Logo: Tri Logo cards were distributed in Europe, Canada Australia, New Zealand. 70 figures were released on trilogo cards not issued were : 4-LOM, Bespin Guards, Cloud Car Pilot Greedo, Hammerhead, Power Droid. and the red Snaggletooth
Tuskuda: Kenner license rdistributor in Japan for the ROTJ era figures .
“Unart”-: When referring to Polish Bootleg figures; Unart refers to the term Unarticulated. Some examples of the referred to Unart line of Polish figures. Below.
Unarticulated: Figures which do not bend at the joints.
Uzay: Distributor of Star Wars items in Turkey.
Vinyl cape : A plastic cape on a figure, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan, Tusken raider, Princess Leia Leia Hoth, and Lando Have vinyl capes. – The Jawa also came with a vinyl cape which is very rare and often reproduced.

YPS: A German Comic which offered a promotion for a snow trooper – thus the YPS snow trooper
list of references