Vintage Kenner Star Wars Action Figure Weapons and Accessories
This is a guide to help sort the correct weapons and accessories to the correct figure. Figures are in alphebitical order. This guide is for US kenner versions, some variations can be found in the international market. This is just a visual guide , you can get very deep into the weeds as with some weapons there are dozens of variants of guns and other accessories.
2-1B with silver staff- Unique to this figure.
4 LOM cape, overdress, and rifle unique to this figure.
8D8 – came with no accessories
Admiral Ackbar Staff, unique to this figure.
Amanaman – Staff unique to this figure.
Anakin Skywalker – no accessories
AT-AT Commander – Bespin Blaster Blue, several versions possible.
AT-AT Driver – Blaster rifle several versions possible.
AT-ST Driver – small Pistol blue dark blue
B wing pilot – small Piston’s blue
BaradaStaff as shown
Bespin Guards, Bespin blaster- several variations.
Bespin Guards, Bespin blaster- several variations.
Bib Fortuna, staff, exclusive to figure- several variations.
Biker Scout, Pistol several variations.
Boba Fett Stormtrooper blaster- several variations.
Bossk short rifle, several variations
C-3PO no acc.
C-3PO removable limbs- vinyl basket
Chewbacca – Bowcaster several variations.
Cloud Car Pilot – snub blaster and communicator, several variations.
Darth Vader – Red lightsaber and black cape- several variations.