Did you know there are several variations.
The Taiwan Blaster – close up look
If you have ever sorted thru hundreds of Blasters you will know there are several variations. Known as the Version 1-7 as a standard form of ID. Some, such as the Correct Blaster for Boba Feet with a TAIWAN COO. are unique. Its known as a V-5. But in appearance and when sorting thru a pile it can be difficult to ID as a V-4 is nearly similar.

Boba Fett Taiwan Blaster bottom
On the top is the V-4 – solid black, but can be found in many variations bluish green and somewhat transparent, to black to grey. Below is the correct Blaster for the Boba Fest Taiwan figure . Note the angle of, and the pattern on the handle. The Taiwan blaster has a much more defined triangular pattern on the grip. Note the distinct larger and blockier to the side and bottom cartridge. Note the tip and bottom of the barrel more distinct angle- the circle is farther down and the tip is more angular. Both are found in solid black plastic. I’ve found the best way to really make sure you have the correct one is take a photo and compare –
Vintage compared to repro AT-AT Chin guns how to Identify.
The reproduction AT-AT chin guns for the Kenner 1980 Imperial Walker are nearly identical to the originals. There are some differences here is how to identify them.
Original is shown on the top on all photos.
here is what to look for.
The original chin guns has a frosty look to the front of the cannon-the round hole is also distinct and deeper. On the repro version the front is the same gloss consistency as the rest of the cannon, and the round hole is rather shallow.
The body of both are near exact. the only other difference is as the end – where they bend to catch the light forth lightbulb.
– On the vintage one it is rounded, and looks polished – where on the repro it looks more cut-
All in all the repro guns look excellent. although to the purist, this should help you identify a reproduction.
Reproduction R2-D2 Card back – what to look for on reproduction card backs.
How to identify a reproduction Kenner 12 back Star Wars card back – some tips and what to look for.
repro 12 back R2-D2 card.
Reproduction card backs are becoming more prevalent on the market. Some dubious sellers are trying to sell them as new. Here are some tips and what to look for.
-Hanger location – Correct location and cut on the right should be centered above the T also note the color of the repro card back a lighter gray card.
repro left orignal right.
-Bubble- Its pretty obvious here the repro bubble on the left . note size and edges.
repro left. original right
-Fonts- the price font is incorrect – the number font is also incorrect. Ages 4 and up incorrect font when compared to the original .
original left repro right
Blister seal on bubble- should have a pebbled look to card
Color of card and sheen are different on repro cards. they are flatter less glossy and smoother in finish .
The figures on tases cards are most likely authentic, although it is hard to say with our close inspection all the accessories are. Beware of Fakes. Happy collecting.

Ever wondered what is the difference between Star Wars Kenner 12 back A B and C cards. ? Here is your answer.
Here are the 3 earliest Kenner Star Wars card backs. The A B and C. on a US Kenner 12 back . All three shown here are Made in Hong Kong, there are several Lukes and Leia’s that were made in Taiwan, and are much harder to find.
The first Star Wars figures were released on what is called now A SW12 A , all the fronts were the same for all three, but there are differences between the three versions on the back .
The 12 A has a short stubby saber shown, Being the figures originally were to have a double telescoping saber. the first card a 12 A shown below

The 12 B card has an extended Saber , and the same text box below the saber. 12B below.

The 12 C has the same saber, but the paragraph of text has been shortened. 12 C below

Here is a close up detail between the 3 .

12 back B card detail – note longer saber.

Reproduction SW card back below – this is a fake reproduced card


Gold Limited Edition Stormtrooper- umm.. Nope ..
Recently A collector sent over these images asking if they are authentic. A Rare Gold Limited Edition Stormtrooper. Sorry collectors this is about as fake a custom as you can get. It is obviously a gold painted stormtrooper on a reproduction cardback with a repro bubble. Note the awful footer as well. It is obvious from the font it is a reproduction card back. This figure was never released in the 1977-1984 era. It likely originated in Europe where repro bubbles and card backs are prevalent .
If you like customs it is another one to add to your collection, but buyer beware, it has little value and is not a legitimate Kenner release.
Images provided.
2018 edition – Newest Update Now Available!
The 2018 Update is now online!
The Newest version of my book Vintage Kenner Star Wars Figure Variations of North America is up for sale on the web.
go to : www.starwarsfigurevariations.com
previous buyers will be receiving a code via email to get the newest copy for free. !
I have edited valuations, added about 50 more pages, some new fig variants, and vehicles, and corrected some errors.
get your copy now on sale for 24.99
It is a downloadable PDF, so you can export to a tablet for easy use.
1979 Kenner Product Catalog A look inside
Page Images from 1979 Kenner Products Catalog. It is crazy to look at the figures shown in the stills and think of the value all three Double Telescoping Figures, and a Vinyl Cape Jawa. The catalog premiers Boba Fett with the concept art pictures as well. Look and drool. Concept Catalogs have been becoming increasingly popular to collectors and are rare prices are going form $200 and up for issues, – the Oldest being the rarest.