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R2-D2 COO Sticker variations

Take a close look at your R2-D2  stickers did you know there are variations of the sticker itself.  Some which  specific to the particular COO mark.

R2 has become a much harder figure  to get in excellent condition in  the recent years and you should always make sure your sticker is not a reproduction.  See more info in my guide on Star Wars action figure variations.

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Vintage Star Wars 12 back Princess Leia Vs reproduction repro fake cardback

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I have to say it is really frustrating to see people being taken when I go hunting on eBay  for vintage Star Wars toys.  A flurry of  vintage carded  figure 12  backs have “suddenly materliazed” in the market place over the past year.- I  am not sure what is worse seeing people being duped by the waning, everything is a POCH scams  by melting a figures backside and calling it POCH or this.  Many items are are not what they appear to be.

Here are some comparison pictures of an original Kenner Princess :ii a12b compared to a reproduction cardback.  The original in all pictures is right or on top

Some key points to identify a reproduction or fake card back and bubble< this is list goes beyond just this figure but applies to  many repros of 12k cards currently out there.

  • PRICE in white box  text wrong.
  • The Text for the stock Number of white price box wrong.
  • The Ages 4 and up text wrong.
  • Blue color wrong.
  • Footer incorrect size
  • bubble incorrect size.  although other repro bubbles closer to original shape have surfaced.
  • back of card back incorrect  texture. brought matte  and text slightly fuzzy.
  • POP color wrong.
  • The repro card may look good on display, but do not get taken, there are unaware or more likely  intentionally unscrupulous sellers attempting to pass these off as original . They intentionally place a old  price sticker over the PRICE text, slightly bend up the card, in an attempt to emulate a  more vintage look.

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Original card back aways right or TOP.

Follow me  for future and more look thru  back posts to other reproduction VS original cardback comparisons.

These are being  added to my Vintage Star wars figure guide in upcoming editions.


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Tusken Raider Hollow cheeks… version how many are there? . Vintage Kenner Figures

I’ve been busy updating my guide to vintage Star Wars figure variations.

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 11.23.34 AMSo yes even the best editor can miss Word spell check errors.

and I have corrected some errors due to erronous Ebay postings by sellers claiming everything is a POCH or Ledy nowadays.

The new update should be ready this late fall.  here is one new addition. !

a recently found Hollow cheeks  Tusken Raider- Sandpeople.—coo var. – well new to me anyways !

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 11.22.14 AMSo now that makes four versions total of him in the world.  got any to share.?  Here is the corresponding coo marks for the Tusky’s


Happy collecting and thanks for all who have bought my guide  and are following my site or Facebook posts. !