
POTF 1985 Anakin Skywalker on reproduction card.

The world of reproduction cardbacks includes about every cad back and the bubbles are getting better and better.


The type is distinctly different than original card, The back is much paler.  tape is holding the bubble on to card.

Here is a reproduction Anakin Power of the Force 1985 Anakin,

– notice cheap plastic coin.

-color off on the backside off, and fuzzy.

-type incorrect

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Bootleg Custom Yak face and Blue Snaggletooth

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Considering the value of these two Holy Grails no doubt bootlegs are out there.  Here are a very nice version of Yak face and the Blue Snagglettoth.  They look great when you see them in a pile of figures, on a small picture online or on your phone, but beware.

The key on these two are the feet, which have NO holes in them. No doubt in the future more detailed boots or customs will come out of the woods. If your looking for reasonably priced fillers for your collection these will of and purchased  them on eBay.