
Vintage Star Wars knock off vinyl action figure cases.

When Star Wars Came out  in 1977 General Mills and Kenner were  not ready for the onslaught of interest in toys for the movie. In fact it was not until 1978 toys hit the shelves.


This opened the door for a lot of Manufactures to fill voids in the market place. Here are some fun Vinyl  action figure cases.  Thee were available at Sears, Woolworths among others.  The graphics are great on some of these cases,  most were 12 figure, 24 figure cases can also be found. Its always fun to find one and see what treasure is inside. No matter your flavor if  collected Mego Super heroes, or Star trek, or MASH, Micronauts Lord of the Rings, or Dungeons and Dragons,  Zee Toys Metal masters figures these cases filled the bill.

I will be adding these to my glossary of my e book, Vintage Kenner  Star Wars Action Figure Variations of North America.


Got any more versions not shown here, please share them with me  would love to see what else can be found.




Kenner US ROTJ 65 bk card back Country variations

US Kenner 65 back country card variations.

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Summer has come to a close now on to editing new additions to my Star Wars  figure guide.  Here are Kenner ROTJ 65 bk card country variations.

From left to right: ROTJ / HK figures-  blocked out,  65k  “Hong Kong”, 65k” Taiwan”, 65bk “Made in Hong Kong or Taiwan”. The latter appears hardest to find of the four  65 back cards.


Hong Kong Top
Taiwan Bottom

Luke Skywalker Saber variations.

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1995 POTF Classic Luke
1995 POTF Classic Luke

I have been going thru Luke Sabers , updating,  organizing and getting sorted to figures.

        Here some of the versions out there.

Lettered sabers,  Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and a reproduction bottom.

A collection of Luke Sabers- Bottom Reproduction
A collection of Luke Sabers- Bottom Reproduction
Hong Kong Top Taiwan Bottom
Hong Kong Top
Taiwan Bottom
Luke Double Telescoping
Luke Double Telescoping
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Vintage Star Wars 12 back Princess Leia Vs reproduction repro fake cardback

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I have to say it is really frustrating to see people being taken when I go hunting on eBay  for vintage Star Wars toys.  A flurry of  vintage carded  figure 12  backs have “suddenly materliazed” in the market place over the past year.- I  am not sure what is worse seeing people being duped by the waning, everything is a POCH scams  by melting a figures backside and calling it POCH or this.  Many items are are not what they appear to be.

Here are some comparison pictures of an original Kenner Princess :ii a12b compared to a reproduction cardback.  The original in all pictures is right or on top

Some key points to identify a reproduction or fake card back and bubble< this is list goes beyond just this figure but applies to  many repros of 12k cards currently out there.

  • PRICE in white box  text wrong.
  • The Text for the stock Number of white price box wrong.
  • The Ages 4 and up text wrong.
  • Blue color wrong.
  • Footer incorrect size
  • bubble incorrect size.  although other repro bubbles closer to original shape have surfaced.
  • back of card back incorrect  texture. brought matte  and text slightly fuzzy.
  • POP color wrong.
  • The repro card may look good on display, but do not get taken, there are unaware or more likely  intentionally unscrupulous sellers attempting to pass these off as original . They intentionally place a old  price sticker over the PRICE text, slightly bend up the card, in an attempt to emulate a  more vintage look.

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Original card back aways right or TOP.

Follow me  for future and more look thru  back posts to other reproduction VS original cardback comparisons.

These are being  added to my Vintage Star wars figure guide in upcoming editions.


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FX-7 have you ever really looked close at the different heads?

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Have you ever taken a good look at FX-7  and compared the differences in his heads and also his body,  There are some distinct differences of note is also the length of his neck, color of his eye. Did you also know his arm can swivel around his body?

More details included in the breakout of each figure and variant details.

Check out more in my guide to Vintage Star Wars Action Figure variations.

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Han Solo Vintage Kenner 1977 small head hair colors

han solo small heads

Han Solo with a  small head has been known  to have two head  variations  for a long while. But did you know he found with two different COO marks.  These guys  also have distinctly different color hair, a dark brown and  more reddish brown.

Han Solo Small heads  comparison of dark brown and brown hair  versions. - left 1C  right 2C
Han Solo Small heads comparison of dark brown and brown hair versions. – left 1C right 2C
Han Solo COO markings
Han Solo COO markings

Not only that he also can be found with both solid legs, as well as white legs (check the foot pegs.

All the vars. of Han are shown in the figure guide.



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Vintage Kenner Darth Vader No coo or date markings

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A recent acquisition and a new addition to my Figure guide.  It was  from a collection of mostly late ROTJ era figures, in the collection were numerous no coo vars, guessing from Trilogo cards.  I am not sure if this is a first shot or actual just another of the numerous marking vars. It has a thicker cape and similar chest plate  and head as most HK marked figs. Shown as I found him  torn cape and no saber.

please share your thoughts. Not sure how to define this yet.

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I was asked if it was a Top toys. no – The Top Toys Darth has no coo or date although this is not a Top toys figure , it has the holes in the feet as any other figure would.



Ree Yees Taiwan and the many boot colors


One of the figures getting an expanded section in my update to my Guide  “Vintage Kenner Star Wars action figure variations of North America”  is Ree Yees.

Not a particularly rare figure, particularly the Taiwan COO, but the boots quite a rainbow. from tan to dark olive. Some of the colors are like due to fading over time and conditions.   Other vars highlighted is the neck color and the two body colors found on him..

The new update comes out early December, God willing and the creeks don’t rise.

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