Can you help !!
WANTED: If you have these figure or pix, and can share in this format- A front back head and COO shot close up on a WHITE background I would very much appreciate it: Heres a list of needed- Ill update list as I flush out the last edits and pages.
looking for pix or purchase and credit you in this figure guide.
thanks Robert

Bib fortuna- w scarred (cut) coo mold bump. unknown if it exists for sure.
BOBA fett – taiwan w painted head
Boba feet Droids- black belt
C3po rem. limbs no coo w’ type 1982 extending into leg joint – . Ledy
Chewy Poch black bag
Cloud car pilot- tri or Pal no coo fig
Cloud car pilot PBP – scarred coo
Death Squad Commander- no coo Meccano? i line
Droids c3po-
Droids R2 glassitle US
ANY “JAPAN” MARKED – Darth stormy etc.
ANY TOPTOYS except stormy
4LOM- rare PBP w details of chest plate
ATST Driver – Ledy version
BARADA 1984 version
BIB FORTUNAS = Ledy and odd colored capes
Biker scout: MADE IN/ PBP tri figure
BOBA : Ledy slot removable rocket figure l / TAIWAN w Charcoal belt / painted head
BOSSK= Super green limbs PBP version extended coo coo overpainted face
C3PO ledy variants JAPAN takara REM limbs Ledy var and ledy basket, DROIDS any
Darth Toptoys Darth TAIWAN only coo
Death Squad commander- Meccano Tri figure-? – one line GMFGI1977 coo
Death star droid = no coo ? Does it exist .. ?
Dewback no coo ?? dies it exist
Han hoth made in coo
hoth rebel PBP
JAWA- Ledy rem hood – not repro bootleg / and JAWA TOLTOY –
KLAATU SKIFF black hood- unpainted hood – staff ledy
LANDO black neck PBP or POCH?
Logray Top TOYS
LUKE FARMBOY- Meccano 3 line coo/w /black face paint- /Glasslite / no coo – one line small GMFGI1977 LL type w yellow/ Toffe /and dark brown hair.
LUKE BESPIN – PBP brown boots
LUKE HOTH PBP Scarred coo
LUKE JEDI TOPTOYS and gun detail
LEIA white gown – no coo scarred?
LEIA HOTH – Meccano – black hair w no coo LL GMFGI1977 one line
Leia Endor Ledy w cape detail
R2 – Ledy vars w good pix of decal front straight on.
R2 Droid factory Palitoy version w good pix of the decal also
R2 Sensor no coo Euro var-
Rw Pop up – glasslite- and droids version
R5D4 Uzay-
Rancor Keeper no coo – raised scarred line below ? w plum pants -?
STORMY- Takara
Rebo band Ledy and led box front on
Teebo: Brown eyes ledy
Tie pilot : No coo Large emblem Mecc / PBP ?
YODA: Toptoys
thanks appreciate the help